Standard Ads |Starting/Stopping Delivery

Ads Manager v1

Ad delivery will not start automatically upon passing the screening. You will need to set the start date for your campaign/creative.

Viewing your settings

This can be performed from both Campaign Settings and the Ads Manager βeta.

Campaign settings

TOP page > 広告設定 > キャンペーン設定 > キャンペーン一覧 > クリエイティブ一覧

1Select [キャンペーン設定] (Campaign Settings) from [広告設定](Ad Settings) in the upper menu.
2Find the campaign you want to distribute ads from the campaign list, and turn OFF on the left side to ON.
3After turning on the campaign, go to campaign details and turn on the creative you want to distribute from the creative list.

Ads Manager βeta

TOP page > 広告設定 > 広告マネージャーβeta > キャンペーン一覧 > クリエイティブ一覧

1Select [広告マネージャー βeta] (Ads Manager βeta) from [広告設定] (Ad Settings) in the top menu.
2Turn on the campaign you want to deliver from the campaign list.
3Go to campaign details and turn ON the creative you want to distribute from the creative list.

Delivery will not begin unless both campaign and creative are set to ON.


Campaign delivery started

A: Campaign delivery ON

  • 1: Creative delivery ON → Delivered
  • 2: Creative delivery OFF → Not delivered

Campaign delivery not started

B: Campaign delivery OFF

  • 1: Creative delivery ON → Not delivered
  • 2: Creative delivery OFF → Not delivered

*If the campaign itself is set to OFF, it will not be delivered even if the creative set to ON.

Campaign delivery not started

C: Campaign delivery ON

  • 1: Creative delivery OFF → Not delivered
  • 2: Creative delivery OFF → Not delivered

* Even if the campaign set to ON, it will not be delivered if all creatives are set to OFF.

If you want to stop the ad before the set end period, manually turn it from ON to OFF.
It will be delivered until the end of the set delivery period unless it is manually stopped.

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