
If you use third-party measurement tools to track your ad performance, SmartNews lets you add macros or variables for dynamic elements in your link destinations. This lets your tracking tools identify your SmartNews campaign and ad objects.

Parameter macros

SmartNews lets you easily substitute your item IDs with macros. Enter the variable between two curly brackets { } and SmartNews will replace it with its real-world value when sending the URL to your tracking tool.

Supported macros

ObjectMacro/VariableGoogleAnalytics example
Ad accountad_account_id…utm_ad_account_id={ad_account_id}…
Ad groupad_group_id…utm_ad_group_id={ad_group_id}…

For example, to send the campaign and ad ID info to GoogleAnalytics, you could use the following scheme in your ad link URL:

  • http://www…?utm_campaign_id={campaign_id}&utm_ad_id={ad_id}

You can nest several macros together with an ampersand (&). The example above returns both the SmartNews ad ID and its parent campaign ID to your tracking tool.

See also

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