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Pacing is a feature that enables effective ad delivery within a given schedule.

Control the pace of your ad delivery to avoid spending all your budget in a very short period of time. The details are as follows.

Feature Overview

Pacing works such that ad delivery spans 50% or more of the available time for delivery. The minimum unit is 1 hour. The delivery window is 24 hours, but if a specific time is excluded in the delivery settings, that time would be excluded from the calculation.

Of the total delivered amount, we deem 0.5% or more of the delivery time as having been covered through pacing. Pacing works well when the available ad delivery timeframe is set to 6 hours or more per day. Also, a daily budget setting of 10,000 yen or more is required for pacing to work properly.

Applicable Bidding Strategies

  • Maximize conversions
  • Maximize clicks
  • Maximize reach
  • Target CPA (Cost Per Action) (Only for standard delivery mode)
  • Manual bidding (Only for standard delivery mode)


  • Pacing may not work properly on days when a campaigns has been started/stopped or delivery settings have been changed.
  • Pacing may not work properly if delivered impressions (Imp) are limited by other feature settings.
  • If the conversion rate is 0 or extremely low, delivery may be limited.
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