Overall Analytics Report
Here you can check the overall results of all advertising accounts associated with the logged-in user.
Campaign list
Here you can check the cumulative performance of each campaign and its current status.
Campaign Details (Campaign List -> Campaign Details)
Here you can check the setting status of the campaign.
Creative list
Here you can check the creatives linked to the campaign and their effectiveness.
*Our system does not allow users to export the creative image.
Performance report
You can see daily reports for a specific period of time for the target account from Ad Settings -> Performance Report.
Reports can be downloaded with granularity down to account level.
Retrievable data
- Imp (number of impressions)
- Vimp (number of view impressions)
- Number of clicks
- CPMs
- Amount spent
- CVs (number of conversions)
- CPAs
*Performance reports cannot be obtained if the specified time frame is longer than 3 months or the requested dates are older than 3 years. If an error occurs, please specify a shorter time frame.
If you select "creative display" or "redisplay" on the page shown above, you can view reports for each creative.
[csv downlord]を押下することでCSV形式にてレポート抽出が可能です。
Ads Manager βeta
You can also check your campaign results from [広告設定] (Ad Settings)> [広告マネージャー] βeta (Ad Manager βeta).
You can also view delivery status details for individual campaigns in Ads Manager βeta.
Retrievable data
- Bid price (manual setting only)
- Daily budget
- Total budget
- Amount spent (total amount spent for today/this month)
- Vimp (View impressions)
- Number of clicks
- CVs (Number of conversions)
- vCTR
- CPAs
- CPMs
- Imp (number of impressions)
- Reach
- Frequency
For video ads, you can also see video engagement.
Retrievable data
- Plays
- 25% plays
- 50% plays
- 75% plays
- 95% plays
- Completed plays
- Average playback time (seconds)
- Play completion rate
- Average playback rate
You can check the detailed campaign results from the data breakdown for each campaign. It is also possible to select multiple campaigns.
Retrievable data
- Media
- Publication location
- Age group
- Age group (previously used age groups)
- Gender
- User Location
- Service provider
- Network
- Device type
- OS/version
Changing settings after distribution
Settings can be changed even after publication.
See below for details.