
This page is for advertisers using Ads Manager v1. Please refer to the following for Ads Manager v2 settings.

【広告マネージャー v2】カスタムオーディエンスを作成する

Table of Contents

Keyword targeting overview

This feature extracts users who have viewed articles on SmartNews with the specified keyword in the title.
This feature allows advertisers to directly approach potentially interested users who have read articles that are highly relevant to your ad.

Data source

Up to 10 keywords from users' article browsing data.


A segment is a list of users who have read an article with a specific keyword in the title.
Exact matches are counted as keywords.
For example, "SmartNews" and "SmartNews Ads" would be recognized as different keywords.

*The volume forecast number on the admin console is an approximation, and there are potential differences as shown below.
This number does not necessarily match the actual segment size.

  • Articles with “partial matches” are also extracted and displayed on the audience setting screen of admin console
  • Articles with “exact matches” are extracted at the time of delivery

Data storage period 

Up to 30 days

Article keywords (article KW) are valid for up to 30 days. Please note that even if you enter a longer period, it will be set as 30 days.


TOP page > オーディエンス設定 > ユーザー定義オーディエンス作成 > TYPE: 記事キーワード

1Click [オーディエンス設定] (Audience settings)
2Click [新規オーディエンス定義作成] (Define a new audience)
3Click [ユーザー定義オーディエンス作成] (Create new user defined audience)
4Select [記事キーワード] (article keyword) from the TYPE pull-down.
5Click the blank field next to TYPE to open the keyword setting screen.
6Enter the keyword you want to set and press [検索キーワードを追加] (add search keyword). If you want to set multiple keywords, add more.

*If a space is included, it will count as two keywords.
* Up to 10 keywords can be set at one time. If you want to set more than 11 keywords, increasing the number of keywords and adding an audience definition will reduce the accuracy of the audience, so be sure to create it by combining.

7Click [適用する] (apply).
8Click[検索](search) to check the predicted reach and examples of articles that include the entered keywords.
9Enter the connection conditions, valid data period (up to 30 days), name and description.

*Name is for the user's own management purposes and will not be used for distribution.
*Description is optional.

10Click [この内容で作成](Create using these settings).
11Set the created audience to the campaign.

*Once the audience data status has been created, it can be set on the campaign creation screen.


  • Individual reports by keyword are not supported. To separate the report by keyword, you need to create a campaign for each.
  • Keyword targeting may increase or decrease in volume depending on the timing and specified keywords.
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