Ad Review


Ads are reviewed based on SmartNews' advertising standards.

At SmartNews, we place importance on the existing user experience and aim to deliver ads as content, leading to new discoveries. This is why we have stringent ad publication standards. 

We believe that by carefully examining each element, such as advertising creative and landing pages, we can match advertisers' needs and users' interests in the most appropriate way. * Therefore, there are cases where the posting side is limited by our judgment.

At SmartNews, we will make a comprehensive decision based on relevant laws and guidelines, looking ahead at future industry standards, rather than focusing only on current day standards.

Please refer to the Advertisement Standards for more information on ad placement criteria.

Ad Review Turnaround Time

As stated in the Media Guide, it takes up to 3 business days to review new ad accounts and up to 5 business days to review creatives.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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